C.T. Thomas @ GurgleSlurp.com


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Accidental Nudity: It’s nice when you can make an impression
January 4, 2013

It was the one in the middle, Officer. He ran by quickly, but I'd recognise that bulbous head anywhere.

“It was the one in the middle, Officer. He ran by quickly, but I’d recognise that bulbous head anywhere.”

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(NSFW) Accidental Nudity: A little something extra for the ladies
November 22, 2012

Don't be alarmed, I'm pretty sure those bumps are there for your pleasure

“Don’t be alarmed, I’m pretty sure those bumps are there for your pleasure.”

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Accidental Nudity: Play to your strengths
November 16, 2012

Hon, I was diagnosed as an incurable nymphomaniac, I figure I might as well make some money.

“Hon, I was diagnosed as an incurable nymphomaniac, I figure I might as well make some money.”

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Accidental Nudity: Professional help
November 7, 2012

But honey, you're the one who told me I needed professional help!

“But honey, you’re the one who told me I needed professional help!”

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Accidental Nudity: Intergalactic exploration
October 25, 2012

Easy, Bo*&jam$k!i, these humans prefer a confident, yet gentle entry!

“Easy, Bo*&jam$k!i, these humans prefer a confident, yet gentle entry!”

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